An inside look at Very Good Recipes, and hopefully a lot of discussion!

Par stephane • Actualités • Thursday 19/05/2011 • 0 commentaires • Version imprimable

I'm starting this blog to give you an inside look at Very Good Recipes, and more importantly, as a venue for discussion. I am very much looking for feedback, comments, ideas, suggestions and constructive criticism! I am very familiar with the food blogs published in French (if you can read French, or just enjoy looking at beautiful food picture, take a look at my other site Recettes de Cuisine), but I'm very new to the vast world of food blogs written in English!

While the French version has hundreds of food blogs listed, only a dozen of blogs are indexed on Very Good Recipes so far. So I am very grateful for any help or  tips to let food bloggers know about it!

Thanks a lot in advance, and I am very much looking forward to discover and know more about you!