May 1st in France, Lilly of the Valley Day by Martine

Par stephane • Recipes • Saturday 21/04/2012 • 1 commentaire • Version imprimable

A disguised recipe by Martine of Mart-inn and key2paris for the April Fool challenge :


in France  May 1st is our Labor Day. It is a "non working day" of course but on top  the tradition is to offer everyone you visit, a bunch of Lilly of the valley.
Many people  used to go and harvest the flowers in the woods and sell them everywhere. the  money they would make was not taxable on that particular day.
Today, most of the flowers come from specialized nurseries but you can still see young vendors at street corners trying to sell their crops with a large smile.
The recipe here is a chocolate cake that is pretending to be soil..
You put a round piece of your cake into an individual clay pot and then can plant some plastic flowers …
That's the only photos I've got on computer, the chocolate  "soil" is not obvious.
As for the chocolate cake, you can make you own favorite recipe.  
here is mine for this kind of use : 
  • 250gr of good bitter chocolate (Valrhona is excellent)
  • 80gr de powdered sugar(caster)
  • 2 TBS flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 125gr softened butter (a stick is 100gr)


break the chocolate into pieces, add a TBS of water and melt in the microwave for about 1mn. Make sure not to overcook it.

Stir with a spatula.

Cut  butter in small pieces and stir into the melted chocolate.

Add sugar, flour and whole eggs one at a time.

Pour this batter into you mold .(buttered and floured if not non-stick one).

Bake (double  boiling method)  at 180°C for about 30mn.  (350F)


Middle of the cake should be firm when touching with your finger.

Let it cool and remove from mold.


Then you can cut circles (size to match with your clay pot).


I use rubber mold ( Demarle, flexipan brand) so I do not have to butter and flour the mold. Also double boiling is not necessary.


You can either use a large mold and you’ll cut the circles out of it.

Or  use individual molds and then you’ll choose the clay pot according to the size of your molds.


If you use individual molds, the cakes are cooked before 30mn.

You should experiment with your molds and oven.


Martine Jablonski-Cahours


Very Interesting Looks par Alma J. Hanley le Friday 29/03/2013 à 22:26

Hi Martine, it looks really interesting after served and the making procedure is also easy. I'll try it soon.